Thursday, April 20, 2006


Sometimes I wish I was an idiot. Life would be so much easier. I could just go to college to meet my husband, get married, go shopping, cook, decorate, and have babies. No wonder women decide to give up a career for a's a lot less stressful, and you can do whatever you want all day long. Okay maybe that's not all it's cracked up to be, but it sounds better than making chemical solutions or wearing goggles. I am all for equal treatment of the sexes, and I'm smart, so you're probably thinking, "feminism!! make a change! Show them what you can do!" BUT it's really hard trying to find a job with a chemistry degree when I don't even want to work in a lab. Nevertheless, the companies I am applying to are amazing but so what? I'm going to be in a lab, testing stuff on machines for the rest of my life. LAME and BORING. THIS is why I wanted to do science journalism, so I could travel somewhere new, write about interesting phenomena, meet other really smart people, interview doctors and scientists, learn how to write better, and actually see the day light. I wish I was born dumb, because then I would have no decisions to make, no choice but to sit on my ass or do some mindless job, while my hubby was bringing home the bacon. I wouldn't have to feel guilty thinking I was wasting my education. There would be no education, there would be no waste. Life would be easy.


  1. Anonymous11:06 PM

    I couldn't fucking agree with u more!

  2. If you make it into Kent State, you should go! P-chem is nothing like working in an analytical lab!

  3. I don't think I would choose P-chem.

  4. Jaimster --

    Just because you start out working in a lab doesn't mean that's what you would end up doing. Sometimes people just start there, moving onto other parts of the company (or another company). But having bench experience is useful later on.

    That said, I really think you should keep pursuing science writing/journalism. You are a good writer with your own unique voice plus a basic love of knowledge. Don't let that be damped out so quickly.

  5. Don't let my experiences at UCLA discourage you from P-Chem. In retrospect, we had an unrealisitcally lousy stat mech professor, which was, for the most part, the root of our dismay. You experience would be far better than mine, I think I just got unlucky with the draw..., once classes are over, things are much better!

  6. Anonymous1:32 PM

    work at Starbuck's with me Jaim. You can live with my mom too if you want. She really cool ;)

  7. Thanks for the input Nicole. I've been wondering how you're doing! Now I know a little bit :) I'll keep you updated what I decide to do, but that's good advise from someone who's been in my shoes :)

  8. Glad I'm not alone.


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