Helya came to visit last weekend and was my first official house guest since we've finally gotten settled. We had a wonderful, girly weekend. Finally someone to talk about boys with, someone to go shopping with, and someone who enjoys chick flicks as much as I do! Helya is a friend for life, and I don't know what I would do without her.
After a late (10:30pm), and wild (two drinks) night out Friday we had to wake up early to go pick up my car that we left downtown - only to find out that I got a ticket anyway!! ROOAR! Since we were up, we went to Starbucks for breakfast and saw Craig T. Nelson, aka, "Coach"!! I couldn't believe there was a celebrity in our little starbucks, but he was a completely normal guy doing normal things like getting coffee at 9am. How cool though!!!!?? (this is what he really looked like - balding and glasses and regular dad clothes). Why am I so excited about this???

Other than that, we spent a lot of (glorious) time on the couch cuddling up with Bali's, Grey's, ANTM, and a few eps of Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill. HEAVEN! Absolute Heaven!
Thanks for coming Helya. It was the best weekend ever and I can't wait to see you again!
i had so much fun....can't wait to see u again. I love that we can have a blast together while doing nothing...who needs a boyfriend when i have u;)