The show was kooky and wild, but the musicians are very talented and it was one of the better shows I've been too. The lead singer had his body painted red, dressed as a satyr, threw mashed potatoes into the crowd, and was joined onstage by tigers, egyptian men, cowboys, dinosaurs, wild boars, and ninjas, and finally ended up prancing around the stage in his underwear.

I can't even count how many bevs we drank that night, but we were in dire need of some carbohydrates to suck up all the alcohol. With a pit-stop at the hotel, we made our search around the city blocks for something good to eat. PIZZA BY THE SLICE! It was the best pizza we ever had. And thank god for that pizza because otherwise we would have spent all day Saturday in bed.
Saturday, Jillian and Chris picked us up and we went to Pier 39 for lunch at Bubba Gumps. We browsed the shops, Jillian got her tarot cards read, and Chris and Steve ate fart candy and belch powder from the local magic shop. We walked around the Fisherman's Wharf looking for Bush Man, but only found the silver robot dancers and homeless people with signs that said, "I'm not gonna lie - I want some beer".

Saturday night we were heading down to Union Square for dinner and ice skating, but were unexpectedly taken off course when a homeless guy asked us if we wanted him to show us to a great restaurant. I do not know why on earth we decided to follow this guy. He kept blabbing about having gone to USC, and that Vacaville is full of rednecks, and that SF is just a bunch of yuppies. Meanwhile boogers were oozing out of his nose, and his water bottle full of beer was becoming empty quickly. After about 20 minutes of walking through Union Square we made it to an Italian restaurant where he told us to eat and then asked for "a tip" for showing us such a great place. We didn't even want to eat there and he pretty much wasted our night, so we begrudgingly gave him a few bucks and tried to get him to leave us alone. 10 minutes later he was still talking our ear off. Finally, we acted like we were going inside the restaurant so he would leave.
Sunday Steve and I went to IKEA before heading home. We got a new tv stand for our new tv!! (We're trying to get a good deal on Black Friday) IKEA rocks my world.
Anyway, San Francisco was just what I needed. A nice weekend getaway with time to play, relax, and just have some fun. This week, Steve's parents are coming for Thanksgiving and I am cooking us a T-day dinner!! Wish me luck!!

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