This past weekend we spent some quality time out on our beloved patio, set up the tri-pod and snapped some shots of our favorite place, and popped the champagne! After a year of living in our lovely condo, we are close to saying goodbye! This is a bittersweet change because it's our first place together, we spent a lot of time and energy making it cozy, we are a bike ride away from downtown SLO, and walking distance to a really nice park. But, we are finally, FINALLY, starting a new adventure together as homeowners! The 4th and final house we made an offer on is nearly ours! If all goes well, we should be closing escrow this week! We're hoping to have the month of August to move so that we can take it slow and make sure all of our babies (plants!) make it to the new house safely!
We are so excited to call the new place home. We have so many ideas on how to make it an incredible house, and it already has the basics to get us started. My favorite part is the fruit trees! Oranges, lemons, limes, plums, tangerines, nectarines, and more!! All they need is a little TLC, and we're going to have fruit coming out of our ears! My other favorite part is the open floor plan with lots of windows. Steve can't wait to start living country style!!
Anyway, that's my update for now - will keep you all in the loop as the deal is completed!!

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