Steve and I have been together for THREE years now! Lately, I've been thinking about our incredible love and how quickly my life was turned upsidedown by this amazing man. I always knew I would meet someone like him eventually. I have always been an optimist when it comes to relationships, and I just knew that I had to get through some bad relationships in order to truly appreciate my one true love. I remember the day when I could imagine my life with him. I didn't care that he had a scruffy face or a chipped tooth. I didn't even care that he had holes in his clothes. All I cared about was the fact that he wanted to be together. He wanted to talk to me and kiss me and tell me stories about his life. And all I knew was that I wanted to be in his stories from that point forward.
But Steve's perception of relationships was a bit different. He had already given up hope of ever finding me. He was about to move on with his life and settle for something else - a life of loneliness and depression. And then out of nowhere, BAM! little Jaime comes waltzing into his life and he is forever changed! He tells me his favorite memory of our first days is the very first time I laid my head on his shoulder while watching Lost. He felt the spark immediately and he knew that he didn't have to settle any longer! He tells me that after 33 years he found the girl of his dreams and he wouldn't have it any other way. I came along and brought joy back into his life and made him realize that all of his waiting and sadness was a necessary step because without the dark you cannot have light, and I showed him what living in lightness was like again.
My favorite thing about Steve is that he is not afraid to tell me how he feels. He'll just look over at me and grab my hand and tell me that I am the perfect girl for him and the one person in this world that he always wanted and needed. He tells me we were made for each other, and it is quite obvious that this is true because of the way I fit perfectly underneath his chin and how our hands fit together like a puzzle piece. And I can see the love in his eyes when he laughs at one of my corny jokes. And I can feel the love radiating from the warmth of his touch as he wraps his arms around me while we drift off to sleep. I have never felt more protected or loved as I do when I am with my Billy.
This is just the beginning of our life together. In over two months, the count will start over and we can start our new life as husband and wife. We're going to go on many adventures together and I am sure there will be hard times, but I have all the faith in the world that we'll get through anything together. He is my partner and I am his sidekick and we are forever friends. Happy three years lovey.