Thursday, February 03, 2011

Let's get swoll

Seven weeks in and I am feeling decent. I am just starting to move my toes and today for the first time I was able to slowly raise my foot up (as if to flex it). I've been able to shower, shave my legs, and exercise my foot a bit which is all very exhilarating. Last Saturday was the first day I was able to get my foot wet, and I spent an hour in the tub rubbing dead skin off of my foot. It just kept going and going and made me want to vomit. On the plus side, it was like getting an awesome heel and big toe calluses are completely gone!! There's still some wrinkled up old skin on the top of my foot because I am a HUGE wimp and scared to rub near the wounds.

Most of my foot is still a bit bruised, but everyday it looks a little bit better. One thing I've noticed is that in the morning, my foot looks almost normal! There is no swelling, and I can't feel any aching or pain. But, at the end of a workday I come home with my entire calf throbbing and my foot completely puffed! You can really tell how swollen it is by looking at the ankle bone. All I do is lay on the couch hoping that it subsides...I even had to pop half a vicodin last night to get rid of the intense ache! Boo! I guess I am not taking it easy enough. 





1 comment:

  1. Sweet girl. Why don' I know how you got into this situation?? What happened to my Jaime??????


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