The Mohr family stopped in SLO for a few days during their California road trip adventure. Lucky for me, I got to spend some quality time with my best friend and the cutest baby on the planet. No joke! Harper Lee Mohr is an absolute angel. I couldn't keep my paws off him and he provided entertainment all weekend long. LOVE him.

And Harper is very smart. When you say, "Harper, you are sooo big! Soo big!" he puts his hands up over his head like this and looks you right in the eye as if to say, "yes, I AM so big!" (Please ignore the construction zone in the background).

And after we all do the SO BIG thing together, we clap, of course! Harper's claps always come with a smile.
We visited the Avila Barn for some fall-time fun and Harper's very first pumpkin patch! The Mohr family dressed up in plaid flannels - perfect for the farm!
Mama and Harper love
Harper wants to put everything in his mouth. Even dirty pumpkins! (But his cuteness got him a FREE mini pumpkin!)
Auntie Jaime loves this guy.
Pumpkin Patch - complete with a hay ride!
How cute is Harper's outfit, with those tiny corduroy pants!

I think he loves corn on the cob as much as his mama! Heather while eating her corn: "Oh my gosh, I am soooo [giggle giggle snort] happy right now!!"
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