Sunday, January 10, 2021

Growing old together

Isn't it romantic
A walk in the white winter woods
A sugary sweet smooch among the owl hoots

Isn't it fun
A bonfire above the frozen alfalfa
Bubbly brown mallows and ice cold beer

Reminiscing about where we've been
Skateboarding along del playa
Dancing with the girls DT

An email about getting caught in the rain
Avocado and CD surprises
Phone numbers scratched on paper

Eating quesadillas in my studio
Talking to the plants and listening to Of Montreal on Higuera
Tall cans and tunes over the shower radio at Montana de Oro

Motorcycle rides to the pines in a pink helmet
Growing palms and tending fruit trees
Tending to our hearts

Big eyed winding through white country roads
New red birds and orange tractors
Grey hair and tiny wrinkles framing kind eyes

Every single simple moment before this moment
Brought us here
And still we grow old together.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I love this, Jaime! You're sharing heart and soul, and I feel included. Vicki


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